Transportation Services Transportation Services

Green 3 Parking Lot Closure May 6

The Green 3 section of the parking lot located along NE College Avenue and south of Daggy Hall is scheduled to be closed permanently, Monday, May 6 . The hourly parking (Labeled – Columbia Street Lot Top Bays – in the AMP Park app and at section of this lot will remain open during construction. Additionally, SE Columbia Street from Idaho Street to Spokane Street, and a section of the Green 3 parking lot west of the Commons building is temporarily closed for the duration of this project. Patrons may utilize the nearby Green 3 parking lots. View the map for exact locations.

The closure is in conjunction with the construction of the new Schweitzer Engineering Hall. This new building will become the academic home for all of Voiland College’s Pullman campus activities. To learn more about this exciting new addition to the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture on WSU Pullman’s campus, please visit the Voiland College’s Schweitzer Engineering Hall web page.

If you have any questions regarding the parking impacts, please contact WSU Transportation Services at or 509-335-PARK (7275).

Map – Green 3 Parking Lot Closure for SEH – Spring 2024

Friday Home Football Game November 17

Washington State University is hosting a Friday night football game at Gesa Field at Martin Stadium on November 17, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. The Pullman campus will maintain regular operations. To ensure the university’s academic enterprise is fully operational and to accommodate the crowd for the game, faculty and staff will be provided as much flexibility as possible to perform their duties, manage classes, and address work schedules.

To allow for game day parking, campus parking lots must be vacated no later than 4:30 PM on Friday, November 17. Stadium Way and Cougar Way will close to regular traffic at 4:30 p.m. Please use the detours to navigate these areas of campus.

Pullman Transit will be running normal bus routes all day Friday and offering free park and ride services beginning at 4:30 p.m. Pullman Transit rides are free with a CougarCard.

Recreational Vehicle (RV) parking lots:

  1. RV patrons may enter their designated lot on Thursday, November 16, after 6 p.m.
  2. RV parking lots are shared use on Friday until 4:30 p.m.

Cougar Athletic Fund (CAF) parking lots:

  1. Parking permit holders are required to vacate campus parking lots by 4:30 p.m. on Friday.
  2. Patrons who have a valid CAF football parking permit may move their car to their respective CAF parking lot at 4:30 p.m.

For more information, including frequently asked questions, please visit the HRS FAQ page.

For questions regarding game day parking, visit Transportation Services.

For all other questions, contact Human Resource Services (HRS) at 509-335-4521 or emailing

Would you like to tell the City of Pullman how it can make walking and biking better for you?

The City of Pullman is preparing a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.  In order for the plan to be a success they need to hear from the Washington State University community, you, us—the people who bike and walk around Pullman every day.

Planning Committee Representatives will be onsite:

— Thursday 4/29 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm
at the Cougs Corner Mart
(1960 NE Terre View Dr #4512, Pullman)

— Friday 4/30 from 10:00am to 12:00pm
at the WSU Pullman Student Recreation Center
(1105 NE North Fairway Rd Drive, Pullman)

Please share whatever issues you’ve come across while out and about on foot or on wheels. The information you share will guide the city’s investment in projects to make Pullman a safer, more comfortable place for people walking and biking. 

For more information and or to participate in providing feedback please visit


Photo Credit: Pullman Civic Trust

New parking app at WSU Pullman means no more need for quarters

September 9, 2019


PULLMAN, Wash. — A stellar parking spot is no longer out of reach on the WSU Pullman campus for those without quarters or time to run to a parking kiosk.
WSU Pullman Transportation Services has teamed up with an app called WayToPark, allowing visitors to pay for parking remotely. Users also can set up text reminders to alert them when their time is almost up and give them the ability to extend it from their phones.
“WayToPark provides a convenient and straight-forward way to find parking,” said Chris Boyan, associate director of WSU Transportation Services. “Of particular benefit, we think, is the ability to extend meters from phones rather than having to leave classes, meetings or other university events.”
WayToPark can be downloaded through either the Google Play or Apple store. After completing the registration process, users can indicate a parking zone, choose a duration and confirm their payment.
Users can pay for parking through WayToPark at several campus locations: Terrell Library Garage, Smith Center Garage, Green 5 South Beasley Lot, Yellow 1 Indoor Practice Facility Lot, Red 5 Tennis Courts Lot and the Elson S. Floyd Cultural Center Lot.
As with WSU Pullman’s annual and daily parking permits, physical permits do not need to be displayed inside a vehicle, according to WSU Pullman Transportation Services. That’s because a License Plate Recognition system is used to read plates as the permit.
Upon launching at WSU Pullman, WayToPark is now available in 15 states across the country. To learn more, visit
For more information about parking at WSU Pullman,visit


Chris Boyan, associate director, WSU Transportation Services 509-335-2950