Transportation Services Purpose of the Zone Parking System Changes

Purpose of the Zone Parking System Changes

The benefits of the zone parking system are realized when zones reflect the appropriate relative price/value perception and provide a reliable, predictable parking space for permit holders.  To preserve the benefits of zone parking, the system must respond to the changing physical campus.  Many changes have been made to the WSU zone parking system over the years since 1991. As buildings and other facilities are completed, parking demand shifts as the activity centers of students and employees change, enrollments grow, and as parking spaces are displaced.

Over the last decade the parking system has been significantly impacted by major building projects that have disrupted the balance of parking supply and demand in specific locations, especially in the northeast sector of campus.  Two more major buildings are planned which will continue this overall trend.  The changes being proposed respond to both the completed and near completed buildings and the pending construction.  As stated above, this proposal, as is the case for all previous zone changes, is designed to preserve the benefits and functionality of the zone parking system.