Transportation Services Zone Parking System Changes – Proposed for 2017/2018

Zone Parking System Changes – Proposed for 2017/2018

Detail changes are shown in the slides by going here.

Generally, here is what you will notice:

  1. Current and future building projects are shown located on existing parking lots.
  2. Changes to the Green zones going from three larger zones to five smaller zones. One of the goals of zone parking is to have relatively small geographic zones and to provide a reliable, predictable parking space within the permit zone of choice which would improve customer experience.
  3. Changes to the physical campus have caused changes and shifts in parking demand. Zones that are changing from Red to Yellow, or from Yellow to Green, for example, not only are full at peak time, but have growing wait lists.  Demand is the main criteria for determining the value of parking zones along with proximity and quality.
  4. Many Blue zones are changing to Red zones because of much greater demand than in the past and full utilization. The characteristic of a typical Blue zone should be (1) underutilized parking even at peak time, (2) gravel surface, (3) no wait list or over-crowding, and (4) longer walking distance to destinations.
  5. A rebalancing of resident parking and commuter parking, repurposing some resident parking in locations where commuter parking is sorely needed.